Gurjar Reservation Issue - Indian Politics of Vote Bank

Indian stock markets are tumbling down and Indian politics is in all time high. This is the right time for Indian political leaders to sow political seeds for there party before the start of next political harvesting season next year, the year of General Elections to Indian Parliament. Gurjar card has been tossed again which has resulted in a calamity for a number of people, both Gujars and other citizens. One thing is sure whether they continue with there agitation or not, and that is they won't get exactly what they are demanding for, at least not before the next General Election 2009. I'm predicting this simply based on there strength or vote bank as compared to Meena Samaj. In India every body has a right to raise his voice, express his opinion but Government must decide whether the demand is justified or not. Now, in this issue there is no clear cut answer, answers make things clear for ordinary people and increase difficulties of vote bank politics. This has been there for quiet some time, there has been occassions when there was no problem but a lot of media coverage and politics on what could be the solution. Take for example the matter of subsidy in bio fuels like petrol, diesel, LPG. Everybody knowns that now it is no more practically possible to continue this subsidy at such a high rate. Even then there is politics whether to raise the price or not and by how much. Most of these subsidies put burden on the whole economy but the benefits of these subsidies aren't equally enjoyed by all. Those who have resources take most advantage of these subsidies, those who don't feel the burden indirectly and pay for these subsidies. Reservation issue has been a very interesting objective for our political leaders and they know this is the only way to create a vote bank for there party. Reservation is a way to create a political issue without a issue. Its a way to divide a society into groups and subgroups. Reservation issue has really paid well for some politicians, they don't know much about development, progress and other issues which will grip the country if they aren't attended right now. Actually real issues are difficult to raise and solve, they require a lot of expertise other than politics and there fore boring. Real issues don't have action, people aren't divided on them, they don't carve a niche for a political party. Reservation isn't bad but making reservation an issue of mutual hatred. Using reservation in a provocative way to ensure vote from one group is bad and unethical and in India anything that is bad and unethical is a synonym for politics. Gujar reservation issue isn't any different. It has got all the ingredients of a political process for next General Elections in India.

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