Missing Indian Philosophy

Missing Indian Philosophy

modern tradition in India is missing Indian philosophy
Missing Indian Philosophy isn't a piece of theory, its in fact a  collection of facts about India today, we are all busy pursuing our career, goal. Politicians are trying to control politics, bureaucrats are busy in managing their tasks, students are overwhelmed  by there western lifestyle and future, public is blind to see anything.

Nobody has time to think about the present and forecast the future. It seems as if India belongs to no one.

Today among other things modern India is missing typical Indian Philosophy, something specifically known about India.

It feels good to see India progress but what about its values, its traditional approach to life. I think we are somewhere overlooking that aspect and which will hurt us dearly in future, the day when things will get out of control.

गंगा बहती हो क्यों? डॉ० भूपेन हजारिका

विस्तार है आपार,
प्रजा दोनों पार 
करे हाहाकार 
निःशब्द सदा ओ गंगा तुम, 
गंगा बहती हो क्यूँ ?

नैतिकता नष्ट हुई, 
मानवता भ्रष्ट हुई, 
निर्लज्ज भाव से बहती हो क्यूँ ?

इतिहास की पुकार,
करे हुंकार 
ओ गंगा की धार,
निर्बल जन को 
बनाती नहीं हो क्यूँ ?

अनपढ़ जन,
अनगीन जन,
नेत्रविहीन, दिक्षमौन हो क्यूँ ?

व्यक्ति रहे व्यक्ति केंद्रित 
सकल समाज व्यक्तित्व रहित 
निष्प्राण समाज को तोड़ती न क्यूँ ? 

स्रोतस्विनी क्यूँ न रहीं ? 
तुम निश्चय चितन नहीं 
प्राणों में प्रेरणा देती न क्यूँ ? 

उनमद अवमी कुरुक्षेत्रग्रमी 
गंगे जननी, नव भारत में 
भीष्मरूपी सुतसमरजयी
जनती नहीं हो क्यूँ? 

गंगा तुम, ओ गंगा तुम 
गंगा  बहती हो क्यूँ ? 

Right now, we are overwhelmed by the progress of India, corporate across the globe are looking at India as a vast marketplace, many of them have already setup their branches here in India and now we Indians are happy that we now have everything that was earlier available in developed countries alone.

In all these developments a number of things are also taking place, which are basically not in compliance with Indian Philosophy, which is the reason why today we are facing a number of social problems, political problems, health problem and rampant corruption. We have actually changed our loyalty towards a powerful global trend (money, market, product, production) from our traditional stand on character, ethics first. Today character-crisis has confused our views on Who is Corrupt?

I can write so much on the subject and different aspects involved but neither I have that much time to write (to create a controversy on subjects nobody is willing to listen or understand) nor the resources to compile an in-dept report on this subject. I can only give an idea of what I mean to say in few points below:

things impacting philosophy of Indians today

Things Impacting Indian Philosophy Today

  1. MONEY :

    Today we have a standard scale to measure everything, if you have a job then how much are we earning (job satisfaction is no more the top priority), if its a business then how much profitable it is (today business means higher profit margins, we no more consider its impact on society, whether its good for them or not, whether its ethical or not). That is why are seeing a rise in food adulteration, corrupt practices, markets filled with products that do not have a life. A number of meaningless opportunities and scams are discovered frequently. Traditionally money has never been the only top priority or criteria in Indian culture.
  2. MARKET :

    Market is a place where there is a specific need or demand for products or services and we can produce and supply them at a good profit margin. Today marketers and marketing forces have a direct impact on our personal life, even for petty family problems we look for a solution in the market. Our necessities and desires, our festivals and occasions, our good and bad times are today captured by marketing forces, who are continuously studying and researching on things that take place in our life and how can they create/offer products and services specifically for such occasions.  Indians have never used so many products and services in there day to day life as they are using today, many of which do not actually make a sense, a reason for rising living cost in every place in India which is in the reach of market and marketing forces.

    Today everything that can be marketed and has demand is a product and using every possible mean to increase there supply to meet this demand is production. Today milk is a product ( today holy cow, do not have a place in modern Indian residences, we are no more worried about how they are treated for milking), food, vegetables, grains are products (and there production is improved using inorganic, artificial chemicals which are so called safe), farms and lands are products (as farming today do not make business sense, selling these farms do), today our life is revolving around products and productions, we try to make more and more money to get maximum number of useful products and try to improve our efficiency, face market competition in our job, business and life until we are declared medically unfit or loose some resources. The way used to see and perceive things have changed now we have developed a deep business intelligence which was earlier more about living, loving and satisfaction in life.
 This new perspective, view on life and dramatically changed everything for us, today villages, farms are being replaced by building, houses and factories, there is no greenery around, soil is covered with concrete to make it look cleaner and prevent problem of water logging during winter season and dust in summer (although depleting water table is now a concern, along with rising temperature in summer, decreasing temperature in winter, changing climate and decreasing level of tolerance).

Today nobody has enough time to think and act, we are already too busy in our life, we are already missing a number of important concepts in our life and lifestyle today which we may or may not realize (and how can we expect this from future generations who are bought up in an environment which is hardly Indian/Hindustani to say the least) but these are actual facts about India today, which will definitely impact our future, we have never considered milk, vegetable or food as products, they were revered, divine and were associated with some emotional value.

I don't know whether you are also experiencing these losses in our values and missing Indian philosophy in lifestyle updations that are taking place in our life and India.

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