Can China Apply Brakes on India's Progress

China Applying Brake on Developing India

India is a good neighbor and serious competitor of China. There are a number of similarities as well as differences between the two nations India and China as both these countries are ancient civilizations.

Tradition & culture of both these countries are quiet similar, the way the society is upgrading & developments are taking place too match to some extent, except the way they are ruled, the way of governance & of course democracy. 

China is an aggressive country, they implement their policies aggressively whether its their internal matter or external.

Right now I don't have time to discuss this and hope to write more later, anyway here are the important links to different phases of this story:

  1. India or China who will Prevail :  This is an article published on CNET News in March 2007.

  2. Is China Trying to Break Up India : Another article published at Hindu Voice UK.

  3. India's Flawed Stance on China and Tibet

  4. Break India Says China's Think Tank : This is an article published in IndiaTimes on 12 August 2009 followed by a discussion on its blog 'Wake Up China Wants to Break India'

Only thing I'll like to add here is that this threat is not new and we are still not prepared for it. I hope to write on this issue of India Vs China as this is a really serious issue and still not in the priority list of Indian Government. I feel Indian government should consult Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji who has a better understanding and experience to share.

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