I'm not corrupt

Today as the debate on corruption (भ्रष्टाचार) continues, it seems as if we need some different set of tools to address this problem of Corruption in totality.  

We are all in agreement to the fact that corruption exists in India, but we don't know where it is, as our agreement is only limited to admission that corruption exists in India today and yet there isn't even a single Indian who admits, agrees or confesses that he/she is corrupt, even after being convicted following many trials, facts & evidences. May be because they think that it was proved technically or the convict knows many others who are still "treading the same path" yet they're believed to be honest (or still not labeled as corrupt) or they've been themselves following this practice for years but this time only this strange coincident happened???

समझ में नहीं आता की क्या आज भारतीय समाज पूर्णतयः किसी मानसिक रोग से ग्रस्त हो गया है जिसे हम भ्रष्टाचार कह रहें है, कहीं वह इन मासूमों में इस रोग के लक्षण मात्र तो नहीं या फिर आज का भारतीय समाज एक दुःसाहसी समाज बन चुका है, जो मानसिक रूप से विछिप्त है, और निजी स्वार्थ का वर्तमान समय में उसके लिए सर्वोपरि महत्व है। 

Punishment seems to be only limited to effect social image, family life or its just a physical inconvenience which still leaves the spirit infected and thus ready to replicate it in future with of-course caution including the insight of their past experience. In the computer language, it seems to be a virus or bug and we need a strong anti-virus program to detect each one of these malicious programs that are have infected our system which are misusing our system resources to work against it.

Redefine Corruption? पुनः परिभाषित भ्रष्टाचार

In the above scenario, it seems as if they(The Corrupts) are being convicted/punished for their innocence. Do we need to redefine corruption, as the existing definition has failed to be effective, otherwise in a religious country, with a long history of anti-corrupt tradition and culture, why do we face so many instances of corrupt practices from people who believe themselves to be righteous.

People here are either not corrupt or they are misunderstanding corruption, we saw a huge support for "anti-corruption" in India, yet menace of corruption exists everywhere, even a person we think is corrupt will talk about how our country should take anti-corruption measures (sometimes even after taking these convenience charges).

I'm not corrupt, Are you?
If you do not believe in what has been written above, then ask people to use a badge on their shirts, desktops, office wall, similar to one displayed here (No need to force anyone, else all government offices/private institutes/corporate etc. will show these badges officially, it must be a voluntary disclosure for anyone, who can say this confidently).

Do you think I'm Corrupt? Really
In case you are the one who is reading this post and have courage to learn about the opinion people hold about you, then you can use a different badge or button which may also include an email or a small drop box or even a webpage or forum where one can send his/her views/opinion/feedback about you anonymously.

I'm sure all this will lead to mind-boggling results, as we can easily expect all sorts of comments, some people will even disclose their identity to use this opportunity for buttering their relations, some will say you are corrupt, while a few others will say you are not, plus there will be a number of unrelated and unexpected comments. Depending on there mentality, education and nature of interaction it is definitely going to be a tough task to view and review each one of them.

We can use these feed backs for intro-inspecting our own self, our work, our behaviour etc. and it will help us to reach out for more positive ways to improve our existing positive views or help us to turn more negative views to positive, help us to convince others why we are what we actually are or seem to be. 

In any case we should not get disheartened by negative views or change our behaviour unnecessarily as when we are in a office, we are on job, have some duty and our first and only priority must be, to do our duty ethically to our utmost satisfaction, without blaming our system or any senior/subordinate staff.

Fight Against Corruption

kya mai bhrast hun?
Our fight agq    ainst corruption must start from our own self, as it has never been possible to change the world without changing our own self, look at any great leader and there lifestyle, any story from history.

Today we have corruption in various forms and most of it started with "character crisis in India", we cannot destroy it entirely from our society without actually changing our own self or redefining corruption as we can clearly see that there is a huge difference in our perception, which needs to be updated effectively for present scenario.

Many people look at this new anti-corruption trend as an opportunity, which can be used as a business opportunity or as an opportunity to reach the masses(or markets) with a little or no budget, treating it as an efficient marketing strategy, nothing emotional about it.

Do you think I'm A Corrupt Indian?
Anything that is related to money or involves money has become dangerous and today there is nothing left which cannot be directly or indirectly related to money whether its honesty or corruption.

India isn't a playground, Indians aren't puppets who can be used for entertainment, if we are serious, then we do have solutions, there is no need to play a blame game.

We must ask this question again and again periodically, after few days, months, years regularly to insure we are actually moving on the path we intended to move and protect not only our country but also our own life, family and society to suffer from this menace, which will lead this country to a condition, which is medically known as "multi-organ failure".

भ्रष्टाचार की इस बिमारी को नियंत्रण में रखने की कोशिश करेगा बल्कि उसका न्यूनीकरण भी सहज बना देगा आधार सेवा इसी का एक सुनियोजित स्वरुप है, जो समस्या को सुलझाने के व्यर्थ प्रयास करने के बजाये, उनकी उत्पत्ति को ही दुश्वार बना देता है।

नोटबंदी एक प्रशसंनीय कदम है, जो प्रभावी तरीके से कुछ समय अंतराल में ही बिना किसी विशेष प्रयत्न के या उन उपायों पर निर्भर हुए जिनमे मानवीय भूल का संदेह उत्पन्न हो सकता था स्वतः ही, स्फूर्ति से इस तरह की सामानांतर व्यवस्था के एक बड़े भाग को बिना किसी अतिरिक्त समस्या का सामना किये समाप्त कर दिया(एक साधे सब सधे), ये लुप्तप्रायः भारतीय दर्शन और शुद्ध भारतीय दृष्टि का एक उचित समकालीन उद्धरण प्रतीत होता है। इस पर राजनीती होना या आम जनता और उनके पीछे छिपे असमाजिक तत्वो द्वारा अपने असंतोष को प्रकट करना एक अलग विषय है।

पर भारतीय समाज में बढ़ता भ्रष्ट आचार और व्यव्हार एक चिंता का विषय है, मनुष्य कोई वस्तु नहीं है, ना ही जीवन केवल भोग। अनुशासन और व्यवस्था से उत्पन्न असहजता हमारे समाज को स्वीकार कर लेनी चाहिए अन्यथा कल हम समस्याओं के भंवर से वापस नहीं लौट सकेंगे।

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