Facts About India Today - Pride of India

Facts About Pride of India Today

It is a well know fact that a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth ????, well sometimes it is better to keep quiet when words loose their meaning and become meaningless. May be India is making economic progress at a rapid pace, poverty seems to be on the brink of elimination but now we face another problem a problem which has no easy solution.

C H A R A C T E R   C R I S I S


P H I LO S O P H I C A L    I N D I A

(चरित्र-संकट से घिरता दार्शनिक भारत)

It is useless to write anything about it right now, as most of us are already too busy to conclude anything, we do not have enough time for introspection which can help us to think and act. The present corruption and scam cases at top level positions indicate this.

I'll like to present some youtube videos which present facts about India today, they say more then enough about the emotions and feeling in various parts of Indian society and Our Political Players who are trying to prove their innocence.

नन्हा मुन्ना राही हूँ
देश का सिपाही हूँ
बोलो मेरे संग
जय हिंदजय हिंद,  जय हिंद

Do we Indians need the support of anyone, do we need someone to tell us what we ought to do? What are our duties? May be some of us have lost senses, may be India seems to be in the grip of mental health problems, when we eat we eat for our own self, when we pray we pray for our own soul, so why should anyone of us who are still mentally-sound look around at loosers and loose our temper, our commitment towards this nation and its people. The above song is a beautiful song which depicts this philosophy of India.

India is today in grip of cricket world cup and hopes to be World Champion in 2011, this song is Dedicated to Team India residing in every nook and corner of India.

Pride of India - India is Proud of You

A Raja Former Telecom Minister

India's Former CVC P J Thomas

Former Minister of State in PMO and Maharashtra CM Prithviraj Chavan and CWC Chairman Suresh Kalmadi

There is no need to add any text as these pictures are enough to tell the whole story, there is also a song dedicated to our H'ble Ministers and Pride of India. They played an important role in progress of India, whole world looked at us with confidence and was confident of India's Might.

This is all for today in facts about India Today, the previous post in this blog Speak Asia Online Survey Scam really gave me some headache, as India seems to be in grip of a strong character crisis and people are blindly seeking material wealth, opportunities to make money, without realizing its overall impact, on their personal lifestyle, society and nation, anyway these days remind me of the saying:-
Arguing with A Liar and Mud Wrestling

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