Reinstating India from Neo India

Develop New Smart India with Clear Motive of Peaceful Coexistence with Natural Surroundings

Our Indian tradition & culture has always advocated ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ in every form with surrounding nature. natural surroundings.

Our lifestyle, social structure & developments have always supported and taught to practice ‘सर्वधर्म-समभाव’, which in a narrow minded version can mean ‘Religious Tolerance’ but actually meant to convey a wider universal approach to coexist with duty, nature, lifestyle, necessities, habits of living & non living beings in every natural form in surrounding areas.

Our festivals, developments, creations, celebrations & social life were designed implicitly in a holistic way to improve & enhance welfare of our environment, surrounding nature, plants & animals which ensured ‘सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।’ in its true sense, irrespective of anything else derived out of selfish motives or intellectual limitations which was a Balanced Approach to Healthy Living & Enjoying Every Aspect of Life.

In last few decades things have changed a lot due to Change In Perception which seems to be CONTRARY to Our TraditionalApproach and Vision to progress & work for development without compromising on our core value system, which has resulted in a number of social/political/environmental problems which is likely to pose a serious threat to our survival & existence on this planet.

Today we have Divided Our Core Value System into Independent faculties & disciples which seems to have Disturbed its Harmony and Interdependent Interdisciplinary Result Oriented Approach, resulting in Contradiction in Efforts & Approach. Our political division of power and ministries at highest level in Republic of India seems to represent this, where working of one influences, obstructs, interferes in working of others.  We as a nation have seen a continuous degradation & decline on various parameters in spite of various ongoing schemes, plans & projects under various ministries, departments, agencies & NGOs at different levels in India.

आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु 
विश्वतोऽदब्धासो अपरीतास उद्भिदः। 
देवा नोयथा सदमिद् वृधे
असन्नप्रायुवो रक्षितारो दिवेदिवे॥

In short one team is working on a solution while hurting interests/creating problem for another. We are approaching a problem from different counter productive levels i.e.,

1. On one hand we are working to develop economy, industries and lifestyle on other we are working to tackle increasing pollution, garbage (solid waste management) & social problems.

2. We have different units to develop road & rail network while another for forest & climate change.

3. We have ministry of housing & urban affairs to increase housing & improve living condition while another for forest & climate change as well as NGT and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Ministry of Culture.

4. We have separate ministry to develop tourism and to preserve our culture.

5. We have Ministry of Women and Child Development as well as Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment & Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

6. We have Ministry of Human Resource Development as well as Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.


1.   If possible we can adopt an Integrated Object Oriented Approach instead of Independent Modular Approach for each, which means some common characteristic having our traditional universal appeal should be adopted & adapted.

2.   Our Core Value System must be Protected at any cost, using a positive approach to save our tradition, culture, environment, nature, flora & fauna on top priority basis where possible.

3.   Our social, environmental, regional traditional approach & composition must be insured including variations in plants & animals i.e. local cultural heritage, delicacies, crops, produce, society.

4.   Our development works like smart cities, new India should use benchmarks to insure that the quality of पञ्च तत्वFive Great Elements” i.e., earth, water, air, space are not degraded but upgraded with progress of project/schemes.

5.   Villages the strongest pillar of Indian tradition & culture, living example of peaceful coexistence, ‘अतिथिदेवो भव’ are vanishing & need immediate attention.

6.   Traditional Indian family system has a solution to many modern social problems as well as key to our tradition & culture of peaceful coexistence, needs promotion and protection.

7.   Our buildings, houses, colonies must reflect our vision of peaceful coexistence within family, tradition/culture, society/environment & must be designed with that in mind.

Contradiction in vision & goals between ministries/departments should not dilute results & resources, competing & dragging each other.

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