Golden Bird India Had the Secret of Converting Mercury into Gold

Traditional Indian Science of Converting Mercury into Gold

Converting Mercury into Gold

On the lighter side, throwing all the political drama aside. Here is some interesting news from India. It has recently been noticed that Indians knew the secret of converting mercury into gold.

Details of alchemical experiment of converting mercury into gold are inscribed in Birla Temple and in Banaras Hindu University(BHU). They have written all the steps without giving the secrets formula and all the ingredients used in it.

Is Conversion of Mercury into Gold Possible

Yes it is. This isn't a personal claim but it has the blessings of scientific community. "Mahadeva Srinivasan, former associate director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), who was among the first to conduct research in this field in India and is now one of the country's foremost advocates of cold fusion, believes this kind of alchemical conversion is perfectly possible".

Possibility of Cold Fusion to Convert Mercury into Gold Today

Mahadeva Srinivasan, Ex-Associate Director, BARC says " "I am personally convinced that alchemy, namely conversion of mercury to gold is true," he asserts. 

The basis of Srinivasan's confidence lies in the research he conducted between 1989 and 1994 at BARC which, he says, yielded very positive results. "Because of the results we got, we started pursuing this field with great interest and hope. Unfortunately, it was killed in India by some senior scientists"

What is Cold Fusion, Is it Confusion?

According to wiki "Cold fusion, sometimes called low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) or condensed matter nuclear science, is a set of effects reported in controversial laboratory experiments at ordinary temperatures and pressures, which some researchers say is caused by nuclear reactions. Visit wiki for details on process of cold fusion.

Cold Fusion could lead to Confusion In India

1. The development of grid-less source of power which opens up limitless possibilities, as virtually every house can then create its own electricity, using clean resources of fuel like water, without producing any readioactive or hazardous wastes.

2. When perfected it can yield gold from mercury.

Cold Fusion Scene Around the World & India

Currently research is going on in this field at some countries namely China, Japan and Russia. This is not the case with India, who has rumors about conversion of mercury into gold, this is even believed that it was there in some parts of 'Charak Samita'.

India today is not the same leader it used to be, now its a follower. India follows what others suggest, India imported 'Yog' in the form of 'Yoga', Indian culture and tradition as 'Spirituality'. Golden bird is sleeping and our politicians and bureaucracy doesn't want it to wake up.

How can we start research until other developed countries make a breakthrough, get a patent, after all 'Kumbkaran' too is an important character of 'Ramayan'.

There are so many possibilities that exist in India using traditional insight, we have already been told and confirmed (because today we believe more on what others say about us, then what we our ancestors used to teach) that zero '0', decimal number system, Fibonacci series etc are Indian contribution to the world.

'Yoga', 'Ayurveda' and protecting wild life/nature too are part of its culture which have been forgotten or misunderstood and we need to conduct a fresh research using our own traditional views and basic system, before anyone if we want to regain the position of a true leader(of actions), else we have already adopted the role of a true follower and follow everything that is designed and manufactured abroad, with all its side effects.

Reasons, Why India Was Known As The Golden Bird 

Resources :

1. Curious experiment of Mercury into Gold

2. Cold Fusion and Alchemy

3. Research on Infinite Energy

4.  Golden Bird India : Mercury to Gold (this post)

Now Ready to Wake Up

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