About India

About India's Today

About India's Today & Tomorrow

About India's Today is a blog about India (भारत/हिंदुस्तान) and Indians(आम हिंदुस्तानी/भारतवासी). This blog isn't based on any mainstream issues but things that are happening behind the scene in India, things that add value to or hurt our philosophy, general issues of importance, traditional Indian insight, #ideas #innovations #OutOfBoxViews etc. 

There are so many issues and things that I'll like to discuss in this blog but I too am somewhere trapped #पराधीन in modern lifestyle and thus cannot find enough time to write my reactions on various issues as #AtmnirbharBharat is still a distanct reality.

अधमा धनमिच्छन्ति 
धनमानं च मध्यमा। 
उत्तमा मानमिच्छन्ति 
मानो हि महतां धनम्॥

I'm not promoting any business opportunity or anything in this blog, its more about my feelings, emotions and duties towards India, भारत, हिंदुस्तान and how I feel when frequently or sometimes I'm unable to control some circumstances and incidents taking place in India which I feel is born out of ignorance or shift in our perceptions due to pollution & polluted vision including corruption.

It is really shocking to know that our children today do not know much about our own country and its origin भारत या हिंदुस्तान, they call it INDIA. Most of them today refer to it as India, we find भारत or हिंदुस्तान being used in Government Projects or PSU's.

It is true that India is progressing economically (and I'll love to write about what is economics and how can we interpret economic development), it is developing very well, materialistic prosperity is expanding to remote corners of India but it is also true that we are loosing our ground, its destroying our roots, our culture, our very own philosophy.

Today we are importing what we used to export (for example Fibonacci Ratio a method used for Technical Analysis in stock markets, currency markets today and now even by professional marketing and advertisement agencies). This ratio actually appears in Indian Mathematics and was exported from India just like Indian philosophy, Hindu Arabic Number System, Zero, decimal, Yoga, holistic healing, etc. but today our modern generation is not aware of who we are, what we had, they think that traditional Indian Simplicity is a sign of uneducated/under-educated, poor Indians, which in fact is a sign of achievements of a higher level, enjoying happiness in life with satisfaction, keeping our needs and greed under control and yet doing our duties with simplicity.

In terms of economics too we were not left behind, we must realize why Indians have a craze for gold, why golden ornaments are gifted on marriage, why we purchase gold or valuables each year on Dhan Teras before Deepawali  and other traditional occasions.

Today, even developed and well to do countries and investors think that Gold is the safest investment (especially during periods of recession), when every other investment tool failed they started looking at Gold and we already have centuries old Golden Tradition that is why India was also known as The Golden Bird.

So, we must realize our own tradition, philosophies and work according to them, adopt and adapt technology and modernization accordingly, there is no need to be orthodox, simply use some Indian insight.

We'll not gain anything at the end if we lose one skill (where we dominate) to learn another (with several side effects), there are so many things we can do to take real advantage by using modern technology and developments according to our philosophy and tradition. This doesn't mean that we have to be foolish, a blind follower, an orthodox, no we have to keep our eyes open, use our traditional insight.

I really appreciate comments, views and feedback as it provides confidence, support and most of the times even helps me to understand things better.

Thanks for visiting and reading....

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  प्रयागराज महाकुंभ  सनातन संस्कृति के पुनर्जागरण का स्वर्णिम कालखण्ड भारत सनातन को पहचानने वाली विश्व की एकमात्र सांस्कृतिक धरोहर है   जो अ...

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