Common Wealth Games 2010 India

Common Wealth Games 2010 are scheduled in India between 3 October 2010 to 14 October 2010. Plans for organizing these games successfully were initiated more then 3 years ago. Now only 44 days are left still important deadlines are being missed and new revelations (corruption charges) continue to cast a shadow every now and then.

Suresh Kalmadi Chairman of the Organising Committee is also under scanner (who is also President of Indian Olympic Association). 

Those who know India well, can understand that these things are not uncommon in India and games will take place as per the schedule and in graceful manner. Right now it is not good to discuss negative things as they can severely damage Indian reputation for such organizations in future.

Corruption in games and things that have come to light must be investigated thoroughly once these games are over. People who are associated with these games are also associated with other games and events that have taken place and will take place in India in future, if these charges contain some real facts then corrective measures must be adopted and those who are associated must be severely punished and made responsible for any financial losses to the country.

More information related to Common Wealth Games on internet:-

Anyway, we must hope for the best and Success of Common Wealth Games 2010 in India.

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