Learning to Manage Product LifeCycle Stages


Product Life Cycle Multi-Stage Management

India needs to manage product life-cycle stages to find an amicable natural solution to a number of problems faced by India Today. Managing product life-cycle will help to device a multi-pronged strategy to control common social issues like rising pollution, population & garbage as well as the impact on green cover, global warming, ecosystem plus our tradition & culture.

व्यवस्थित भारतीय-उत्पाद जीवन-चक्र-चरण प्रबंधन 

Product Life Cycle Multi-Stage Management उत्पाद जीवन-चक्र-चरण प्रबंधन

आज अगर प्रत्येक भारतीय-उत्पाद के जीवन-चक्र का प्रत्येक चरण का प्रबंधन हो जाय तो #स्वच्छ_भारत की अवधारणा को वास्तविकता में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है

वर्तमान समय में उत्पादों के निस्तारण की कोई ठोस नीति नहीं उनका जीवन-चक्र भी पूर्व-निर्धारित नहीं क्योंकि निस्तारण इतना सहज नहीं क्योंकि आजकल उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया पारंपरिक भारतीय सनातनी जैवीकता-सिद्धांत (Organic Product Lifecycle) का अनुपालन नहीं करते। जिसके अनुसार पंचतत्व ही श्रृष्टि में हर वस्तु/उत्पाद के आयत-निर्यात का हेतु है

Simple Solutions Work for Complex Problems Universally

It often happens that things that look simple & straight can actually provide solution in complex & impossible situations. In Information Technology there are few terms that define a lot about the procedure adopted like GIGO, RISC, KISS Theory etc. Each of these are actually a philosophical conclusion drawn after learning from the procedures followed over a period of time.

Garbage In & Garbage Out (GIGO) means that when we feed a system with garbage, we should also expect it to produce, something which is similar to the input or the feed. Just like our education system today, which is resulting in less humans & more machines.

Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) was introduced when Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) failed to provide the efficiency that was supposed to increase with complexity of instructions. In simple terms it can understood as "Honesty Is the Best Policy", adding layers, will make things complex and difficult to manage. Our lifestyle today is a result of adding a number of gadgets, tools, procedures to make life simple and easy to manage, which has now resulted in a complex society, time management problems faced in everyday life, tensed family/social relations. The things that we've included to make life easy actually got attached to our life as a responsibility seeking attention.

Keep It Simple Stupid(KISS Theory) also lays emphasis on keeping things in simple order, yet today we have actually grown in an environment where complexity & sophistication are known to be advanced & developed stages of lifestyle, which are followed by systems as well as citizens of a developed society.

All these are strategies that help to manage product/procedure/process Lifecycle at each stage.

Learn How the Product Is Born & Various Stages It Will Pass Through

A simple solution to resolve the problems lies in the product itself, when they are being prepared and researched to be presented in the market.

During this first phase, we already know its ingredients & its sources (whether natural or processed) we know what are its various uses & how will it be used/consumed, its impact on the user/consumer & the surrounding, its life of use and what happens after that, whether it gets consumed or it stays partially, what happens to the left outs etc.

Once a product is obsolete i.e. it has been consumed, next phase of its life begins, which can be anywhere either in our homes or in our streets or in air, water or soil or may be in garbage or as an ingredient of another product.

Every product that enters a market anywhere whether its natural, manufactured or processed must have a well researched & documented lifecycle stages.

It is important to know & document what happens or will happen or can happen at the end of the cycle or before it reenters this cycle again or gets decomposed back in nature.

Benefits of Managing Each Step of Product LifeCycle

When we followed a 100% pure Organic Natural Life Cycle for products that were produced naturally, its benefits were immense because none of its stages were artificially interfered and thus were integral part of ecosystem.

Today our products and its different stages of lifecycle disturb natural harmony, give birth to problems like pollution, waste, health hazard and disturbed ecosystem, which are today posing a serious threat to survival of this planet.

An organically managed product lifecycle will either resolve or provide a simple solution to almost all of the above said problems.

पुनरपि जननं पुनरपि मरणं पुनरपि जननीजठरे शयनम्

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