Happy Independence Day

Independence Day in India is a day which is used to memorize and celebrate India's independence. A day which is marked by a number of events like competitions and discussions.

Happy Independence Day15th August is a national festival just like Republic Day which is celebrated on 26th January every year. Our modern generation do not know more then this about these two important days in Indian history.

We cannot teach our children about importance of independence using books, magazines, showing them pictures, videos etc until and unless they actually feel those sentiments. I know most youngsters and  children today know that independence means "freedom i.e. nobody controls or influences there opinion or conduct" and many will either feel or say that even today they are not really independent as they are not allowed to choose there lifestyle to the extent they wished to.

They aren't wrong, as they have been bought up in such environment but they are not allowed to extend that environment to there personal life.

Importance of Independence

आजादी का महत्व
What is the importance of independence, why did millions and millions of people all across India (and now Pakistan) sacrificed for it, many of whom did not even cared about there life and family for the sake of this country.

Why was independence so important, what was wrong with the British governance at that time which had to be changed after independence. Even today after 65 years we are still using most of there laws with some modifications, extensions.

Honestly speaking have we really realized the benefits of independence which were intended at that time by our freedom fighters, thinkers. Do we still have that perception beside quoting there words and wishes.

Are we really free or still influenced even when we have the independence to choose, to decide, to use our traditional insight in each and every policy, decision which is for the sake of this country, its people (the real Indians).

We Must Realize the Independence and Exercise It

If we take a look at our per-independence heroes, there intentions, there lifestyle and what they were trying to achieve, we will easily understand why we need to realize independence, where should we exercise it.
Even if we simply look at the opinions, teachings of the Father of the Nation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and then take a look at modern society, people and there lifestyle, our professionals, politicians, even teachers and students we'll discover that there is a huge gap, some of us will say that its a generation gap(a simple excuse, which can be used by anyone, for anything).

This is just a glimpse, there are many more straight forward examples, which we must understand and realize, as they are not simply pointing to Indian tradition, Indian Culture but there is an in-depth meaning hiding deep behind, which cannot be explained in words, may not be realized with discussions but will be clear when the seeds we are showing today will grow into trees and taste of there fruits will have that special flavor, our indigenous and independent creation.

Do we really have the Independence???

Celebrating independence on this day on expense of the public funds, enjoying holiday on occasion of this national holiday, does it really mean we have the Independence?

If yes, then which type of Independence do we have?

Can we live a life of our choice, have access to clean drinking water or water from the natural sources (as they were 20/30 years ago), are we more relaxed now about our own future and that of our children.

Answer of these questions will help us to understand the truth, show us the factual truth that whether we are independent or not.

Don't you think we are being fooled, we are being taken to a direction which is just opposite to what we have had in our tradition and culture.

We Are Being Fooled


Those who Are Fooling Us
Are themselves 

Being Fooled

We All are feeling this, even have some clue yet we are worried to admit this fact.

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