India's Today & Tomorrow

India or Bharat भारत या हिंदुस्तान Hindustan as it is known is a country which can give you taste of both a developed nation with a high tech environment and all state of the arts/amenities in one part to a 18th Century Country in other. 

India has got all the phases of life that exist on this planet. Rituals, traditions and languages. Each varies from place to place but they are mysteriously related to each other. All of them are based on a single theme but now everything is changing rapidly. God only knows whether these changes are for better or worse. 

Mass Systems of communication and transportation have made it possible to expand a new wave.

Today development is evident everywhere which are  supposed to provide better living standards and social amenities, have actually led to depletion of natural resources, undercover social & health problems. 

Land with scenic beauty has been converted into concrete jungle with residents who aren’t concerned with anything other than their own personal welfare. 

Natural resources like air, water and land have been polluted if not vanished. Cultivable land around the cities with rich soil is now a home to unauthorized colonies.

Our successive Governments take credit of developments  within cities. They do take responsibility of everything that is good and happened as per their plan and policies. They can’t be blamed for something wrong which wasn’t discussed in any of their plans or policies nor related to tenure of the current government.

Generally Indian citizens here can’t see anything and even if they see what can they do, even if they can do something why should they because everything isn’t their responsibility. They do raise these issues when they feel it can drive in some profits for them.
This is a real development taking place in India today, evident throughout the country. It is a transformation of mentality to an advanced stage of civilization.

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  प्रयागराज महाकुंभ  सनातन संस्कृति के पुनर्जागरण का स्वर्णिम कालखण्ड भारत सनातन को पहचानने वाली विश्व की एकमात्र सांस्कृतिक धरोहर है   जो अ...

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