Preservation of Reservation in India

Preservation of Reservation in IndiaIndia today is again facing the same questions which arouse in 90’s, authenticity of reservation. Reservation has been there since independence and is provided by the constitution. Indian Reservation Policy was initially implemented for a period of 10 years and has since been extended.

In some states there is 50% reservation both in educational institutions as well as in government jobs.

Social & Political Relation of Indian Reservation

Today India is in grip of anti-reservation protest and sentiments, which is a result of long dissatisfaction among youth and those in service.

We cannot deny importance of reservation and key role it has to play in India but we definitely need to look at the way it has been put to use and implemented.

We cannot let anything to work against the interest of the nation. Short term political interest of a few cannot be tolerated even if they are covered in a constitutional agenda.

Today we have reservation for SC, ST, OBC and other categories are being added, as and when politicians and bureaucrats feel so.

Reservation has helped many and have even unearthed some hidden talents which would have otherwise remained undiscovered but it cannot be denied that it has snatched fair chance of fittest and there are a number of people who weren’t able to fulfill there wishes though they were talented because of reservation and not necessarily were they all coming from well to do families.

India is a diverse country and in some regions there is a big gap in economic condition of socially reserved and general category residents but in most regions economic condition of all of them isn’t satisfactory, yet reservation helps a few of them neglecting rest of them.

Reservation which is simply based on cast, creed or religion without considering there economic condition and present status will only harm the interest of the nation. This issue has so much political significance that we have a number of political parties and leaders who survive on this issue and its political sensitivity has discouraged an open unbiased discussion on the issue.

Huge benefits of this reservation card are motivating politicians to consider reservation based on religion, implementing reservation in private sectors.
Making policies and rules with a hidden motive in the name of governance in the heart of people for the country can have incorrigible consequences in future.
Now there is a demand of reviewing benefits of reservation by a non political committee which is not even considered by the government because results are unpredictable. This review would have helped people from both reserved & unreserved categories.

May be current agitation was sparked by legislation to provide 27% to OBC in Medical Institutions but the wide acceptance it is getting throughout the nation particularly in major cities from both medical and non-medical sectors indicate dissent that is there in mind of the people. The reason being multi-pronged reservation policy of the governments. 

We have :-
  • Reservation in education, right from primary education.
  • Scholarships based on reservation.
  • Reservation in government aids.
  • Reservation in government jobs.
  • In service promotions in government jobs are based on promotions.
Some people from the so called cream layer of reserved categories have been drawing optimal benefits from such policies whereas others have been left unaffected. These beneficiaries now can’t understand that it is to help poor and not to make rich richer. They feel it is there fundamental right and privilege which cannot be denied.

Court’s intervention may have forced current strike to roll back but problem is still unresolved. Suggestion to increase general seats so that they remain unaffected by current expansion of reserved seats seems to be illogical. It is like curing ill not the illness.

In order to reduce future problems of the nation our politicians, bureaucrats and intelligentsia need to seriously review such policies and make them suitable for progress of the nation and benefit its citizens rich or poor. 

Read more about Indian Reservation Policy on Wikipedia article titled Reservation in India.

Tradition of Reservation in Indian Culture

Traditionally Indian society has long been supportive of reservation for different classes of society, allowing them to systematically work on them to improve skills from one generation to another, which was discouraged by invading systems over centuries.

Now, the same culture is being adopted and forced with a different mindset to somehow create a division and evergreen problem to exist in society.

We need to interspeculate the understand things without any confusion as reservation must be allowed to insure survival of a peaceful society in a powerful nation.

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