Indian Swine Flu

Swine Flu Pandemic in India

First Case of Swine Flu in India
Swine flu which started from Mexico, some months back has now reached a number of Indian cities. The first case of Swine Flu (H1N1) in India was reported in 2nd Week of May in a 23 old year man who arrived at Hyderabad airport from America.

First Swine Flu Death in India
The first death due to Swine Flu in India was reported from Pune where a 16 year old school girl who has not even traveled abroad died on August 3, 2009. The girl was admitted to hospital on 27th July and was undergoing treatment, was tested positive for H1N1 Swine Influenza only on 31st July when her condition has deteriorated. She was given treatment for Swine Flu only after 31 July i.e. for last three days before her death.

Current Statistics of H1N1 Virus in India
Today Swine Flu has reached a number of Indian cities, death toll too has reached 24 across the country, out of which 15 are reportedly from Pune itself.

How is it spreading at such a rapid rate in India and globally?
This virus has traveled to India and the world from Mexico. It was at first detected in Mexico in March 2009 and since then it has spread to a number of countries including India.

Why is it spreading so fast?
There can be so many reasons for this rapid spread. The No.1 reason is frequent travelers who move from one city to another. People carry H1N1 virus with them from one place to another. We have failed to properly quarantine every confirmed case of Swine Flu. If we don't take precautions now then it can be a sever problem for the Nation which is already struggling from drought.

Don't Panic Prevention is the Answer
There is no need to create panic, we can control its spread by taking appropriate precautions and can even get treated successfully. There are a number of people who were found to be H1N1 positive but they have now recovered and are alright. So, don't be negative. Government is doing what it can do with its limited resources. Its now time for vigilant Indian citizen to show there support for the country. Don't blame anyone at least at the moment when things can go out of hand. We'll definitely get time to do that later.

Protect Yourself from Getting Swine Flu i.e. H1N1 Influenza
Read this WHO report on how we can protect ourself from this influenza?

Further Study and Reference

  1. 2009 Pandemic by Country at Wikipedia
  2. Swine Flu Pandemic in India at Wikipedia - frequently updated
  3. Global Swine Flu Coverage by Reuters
  4. Swine Flu at Wiki Current Pandemic and more about types of Swine Influenza
  5. Facts and Views on India's Today : This blog
  6. Yoga Can Cure Swine Flu -Baba Ramdev
  7. Precautionary Ayurvedic Remedy for Swine Flu - Baba Ramdev
  8. Swine Flu - FAQ - Top 20 Questions and Answers

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