Corruption Charges and Political Games

Corruption in India Vs Politicians of India

Corruption charges and scams are new face of Indian politics these
days. It is good news that more and more scams and cases of corruptions are being discovered one after the another which not only shows the faces of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats but also shows the level of awareness that the people of their constituency had about them.

Those who are involved in scams and corruption cases are not solely responsible for their act, after all they didn't learnt this art in a day or month, its a human nature/psychology which is a result of many things (which can't be discussed here) and must have been there even before when they didn't had the power and authority to cheat the nation.

Adult franchise or right to vote is responsible for election and selection of such persons which means that somewhere Indian citizens are responsible for raising them to such places where they were able to show their true colour.

We cannot blame anyone for such incidents nor we should because even if it impacts the name of our country, our economy, self confidence, morale it also helps other politicians and players  looking for a similar opportunity to show their own true colours.

Political blame game can also destroy some innocent, reliable and honest politicians and bureaucrats who do not know anything except serving the nation. We cannot blame any party or region for such incidents because it will do more injustice then any justice, we must encourage honesty to discourge corruption. Look at the politics in Bihar, how things changed when people had a choice to make, this can be replicated in rest of India without blaming anyone. 

There are so many things which are going very well in India and there are many others which are not working as per expectations, so stay calm and think of it, don't drag the nation, build it.

 सत्यमेव जयते

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