Working of Consumerism Theory In India

India is in grip of consumerism now. Booming Indian Economy is an indication of this consumerism theory. Indian culture had never supported this type of consumerism to such extent in Indian history ever.

Today we aren't just consuming to fulfill our requirements, we are also consuming products that actually don't belong to our taste. If TV serials and advertisements are an indication then this is in fact a fact. Look at the DISHTV advertisement featuring Shahrukh Khan 'kuch wish karo dish karo' and the next line which means you're still satisfied with cable tv, leave this attitude of satisfaction and switch to DISHTV, 'tum to cable tv se santusth ho'. Although this doesn't means much but it is an indication of inherited disadvantages for consumerism in our culture. We enjoy things the way they are and are satisfied with it.

This doesn't mean we should continue to embrace our culture of satisfaction everywhere, even when it becomes necessary and demanding. No, we need to change with time, but must also understand which changes are important and which are useless and harmful. Consumerism isn't a bad idea for those who can afford this but it is bad for those who support this theory of consumerism with credit cards and then run pillar to post to pay EMI installments.

Today there are a number of products that don't have a life and add to garbage in household and city which can't be recycled, as there isn't any proper recycling plan working in India. Many useless products with artificial demand (via intelligent marketing) are in market, these are a headache for those who own them and a challenge for those who don't, putting everyone on fire.

Consumerism isn't a bad idea, after all we want to develop India but stuffing households with garbage is. Today there are a number of products which consume power and there isn't enough power to meet legitimate demand in some cities. Now, adding such products which aren't necessary but consume power will only create more cities with power crisis.

Consumerism is also visible in junk food, where price of the junk food can't be justified when compared to price of a nutritious & healthy diet in other places. Now, this consumerism of junk food plays a multi facet role. It will add to a number of problems in society with health problems on top. These problems will again create demand for modern solutions and when all this expands and grips every nook and corner of India, India will be a developed nation, with problems of a developed country.

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