Earth Day Celebration & Rapidly Changing Indian Environment

Earth Day was celebrated in India on 22nd April 2008, these celebration are meant to create awareness on environmental issues. On one hand Indian Ministry of Environment and Forests celebrates on a number of occasions to create awareness in masses about environment and on the other hand it has failed to create this awareness within Central & State Ministries and Government Departments. 

Celebration of Earth Day on public expense without delivering anything at any level
isn't justifiable. Look at the environment condition & planning at remote locations in India. You'll find one common thing everywhere which is deforestation, disappearing agricultural land, unplanned developments, degrading moral value in education and much much more. 

Indian Government has Ministries & Departments at Central & State Level to deal with each of these problems, even these Departments and Ministries have plans and ongoing programs but most of them are lying in files or in official correspondence between departments. There is a clear lack of coordination between departments and ministries. This Lack of Coordination in India is hurting India dearly.

A number of contradictory things going on simultaneously, at some place one department is expending on celebration to create mass awareness and at other places other departments are and expending on plans which are against that philosophy. These things are common in most places in India. Indian Government on one hand is concerned about environment and on other hand mega development projects are going on in agriculture land, which are not only destroying greenery but are also creating problems like food security and unemployment. 

It is really sad that even when clear simple solutions are available right at the moment, we aren't taking them seriously. We are waiting for it to become a political issue, till then let it breed.

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