Agitating Sikhs & Baba Ram Rahim

Gurjar's have been propitiated by providing a reservation of 5% under special class, without even touching or compromising on Meena Samaj's reservation status. This is really a very clever step in view of upcoming General Elections 2009. Gurjar issue caused a lot of trouble to citizens, losses to Government property and now its all over as if nothing has happened. Nobody knows who bears the responsibility of all the stir and losses.

Now its time for some more politics, on Friday, 20 June 2008 when body guards of Dera Saccha Sauda Chief Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh opened fire on a protesting mob in which a person of sikh community died in Mulund, Maharastra. This lead to protest all over the Nanded, Maharastra demanding immediate arrest of Dera Chief.

On next day i.e. Saturady 21 June 2008, it spread across the country. Protestors blocked roads and highways. Closed shops forcefully. Stopped local train in Nanded for a few hours by pelting stones on them.

Agitation was called off after Maharastra Government assured a probe.

Who is responsible?
Now things have settled down, after causing a days inconvenience to citizens and even the agitators. Losses to private and public property. This has been there for quiet some time, people in India often pass there frustration on Government property especially buses and trains.

Nobody cares that inflation rate is already reached 11.5%, fuel prices are already up and such activities will only add to this. One has to keep his feelings under control because letting them out in such a manner will only create more of it. The property that is destroyed or damaged belongs to us and not to those who are responsible in the first place, we have to understand this. Nobody can provoke our emotions in such a destructive way, whether its politicians, a person or a group.

Now its time to fix responsibility, who is responsible for all the losses in any of the cases that had happened till date in India. Who was sleeping on duty, so that citizens had no other way to wake him up. Why did the issue crop up and how was it settled.

Those who are responsible for this delay and denied must bear the responsibility of damages and pay for it personally. Law and order must be forced right from the start and demands must be answered appropriately right at the beginning without forcing anyone to take a violent path for political or any other reason. India has to take some measures or things won't stay bright in future for India.

You can read more on this issue at:

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