Made In India- Health & Wellness Herbs

India is famous for its philosophy, spirituality, yoga, ayurved and all that which has a touch of eternity. All these made in India are traditional in nature. India is known more for its past distinction and achievements than it is known for its current achievements in these fields. Even today all that we are proud to present as ‘Made In India’ is somewhere related to our traditional wealth & heritage.

Today made in India for Indians doesn’t have same taste and attraction for Indian consumers as is evident for imported goods which have ‘Made from Indian Knowledge & Expertise’. This has been there for past few years as somewhere in between most of the Indians loosed faith in there own tradition, value and expertise. Now we whole heartedly accept things that are returned back to us after a bit processing (or tweaking) look at the Indian Yog, an age old tradition reflected in various phases of life in India, it was lost a few years back but have now returned back in the form of ‘Yoga’. It now has more value attached because of an additional vowel ‘a’.

Indian Ayurveda has been here for years, but today even Ayurvedic products too are imported, along with dumped medicines. There are many other instances showing this mentality in a number of things, we accept because they accept. We do because they do. Colonial mentality still seems to work in our heredity.

Now a look at ‘Made In India’ within India. Today we have a supply of a number of duplicate medicines in market, this is in addition to banned medicines which are still in supply. These medicines have a huge market and this market in expanding rapidly, why, because some of us have sold our soul, we help such industries to come up, flourish and expand. Those who have information, keep this information to themselves.

India has the potential and raw material to provide state of the art high tech good quality products for Indian market and export. Some companies are already engaged in production of quality products for domestic consumption in India and export but in order to make such quality products available to common man in India and for wide consumption of masses here, all these latest tips and tricks must be adopted by each production unit in India. We must be able to distinguish between superior and inferior quality products and production units. This is also applicable to Ayurvedic and other types of products and productions.

In this context I’ll also like to add about a health supplement currently imported in India from China and Malaysia, its Ganoderma Lucidum (also known as reishi in Japan and Lingzhi in China). This medicinal mushroom has a global trade of approximately 3 billion dollars, and trade in India of about 100 crores. This variety of mushroom products were imported because India didn’t had the cultivation technology. Now, National Research Centre for Mushroom situated in Solan (HP) has made a breakthrough in developing indigenous cultivation technology of Reishi for the first time in India. This will help Indian firms to cultivate and produce Ganoderma based products in India, for local consumption and export. Reishi is known to possess significant medicinal value in problems like cancer, HIV, heart problem, diabetes etc. Its benefits are well documented in traditional Chinese medicines.

This news was disclosed by ICRA (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) in its October 2007 newsletter and also provided for Press Release but this didn’t caught much attention. You can download that newsletter (2.67MB) from here or visit that particular online press release of ICRA.

Cultivation and production of Reishi is a good business proposal for Indians but only if they follow international quality standards and production technology. Otherwise even this breakthrough will go wasted for India and Indians.

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