Tumbling Global Markets- A Temporary Recession for India

There are sign of recession globally since last few days, because they believe USA won't be able to get over it and therefore all the associated economies will be effected.

This problem has been there since 'Subprime' episode and now it has resurfaced globally, taking global economies one after the other.

Well, what is the actual fact and truth behind all this economy can be a matter of debate. Whether this problem is a real problem or artificial but it has been able to create a difficult time for those who are in no way connected with it.

Today Indian Markets tumbled to a new low. BSE SENSEX dropped by approx. 876 points (5%) to close at 16730 and NSE by approx. 310 points (6%) and closed at 4900. This was all due to a sudden panic wave which has been effective since yesterday. Today trading was stopped in both NSE and BSE because of circuit break.

This is a temporary phenomenon and markets will start improving from tomorrow as here in India there is no recession or not all the Indian industries are directly associated with USA. Although there have been voices on rights of retail investors and Governments obligations to save them.

Well as we all know stock market isn't a bank or agriculture where your investment take time to mature. Government has already made necessary arrangements like educating investors, providing clear instructions when they open a trading or DP account on associated risks.

People try to blame for there losses in anguish. The losses for which they are responsible, they had accepted all the terms and condition which were provided to them legally by broker. Now, there greed to make more and more have resulted in there losses. They have never thanked Government for the profits they've made in all these months. They could have handed a part of it for social welfare, but then it was there earning, a money they've made from there intelligence.

Even in todays scenario long term investors aren't effected, only those investors who trade with margin money and were waiting for SENSEX to cross 25000. Now, they feel Government should have curbed there greed. Today when you cannot even force your child to do right thing how is it possible for the Government to take such a stand for the society.

Indian Prime Minister had to give a statement on Stock Market Crash and strong fundamentals of India. There are some parties who want resignation of Finance Minister on this matter. A funny side of politics.

In any circumstance this recession in
Indian Stock Market isn't going to stay for long. Markets will jump back, of course there are some stocks which boomed on hype and such stocks may not be able to bounce back to that position now. Even if Markets become rosy again from tomorrow or day after tomorrow, one should keep his greed in control at least in the name of there culture/tradition.

Don't let such forces of fear and greed work to such an extent in India a country which has always been over and above such feelings. Even a well known trading theory 'Fibonacci' is based on Indian Mathematics which today generation hardly known.

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