Indians Speak Online

Today a number of developments are taking place in India. Most Indian's today are in economically sound position (at least those who will reach this post or blog), they have enough disposable income and time that now they can look for other cheap alternatives to make huge money.

A number of scams and opportunities available in India today indicate that India is no more the India it used to be, it is now a nation of materialists, who do not have any philosophy that India have had, money is now the sole criterion of social status, job satisfaction, lifestyle and everything.

India is more dangerously following materialism then any other country, why is it dangerous because Indians have an inherent psychology, philosophy, ability to think differently and now they are misusing that power to gain material wealth, which they think can provide solution to all there problems.

On one hand we are fighting against corruption, blaming our politicians and bureaucracy, supporting Anna Hazare in his fight for a corruption free nation while on other we love tax evasion, purchase products without bill to skip Sales Tax, VAT, are more interested in paychecks then in job itself, love to blame the government and its officials.

Philosophy of India

India has a unique philosophy which is reflected in everything which is done with that mindset. India is indeed a country of positive thinkers, achievers and which has been proved time and again, two years ago Mr. Ratan Tata proved this by providing a four wheeler at a price that was beyond imagination, what was his compulsion to design Tata Nano as 1 lac car, how did he conceive this idea, it is true that he is a business man and looks at every social, economical problem with that in mind.

When TATA Nano was launched in India whole world appreciated this but in India people were not convinced, reports of TATA NANO catching fire got bad publicity from media, the issue of  pollution and road traffic was also raised by some organizations. (In spite of knowing that it was not the responsibility of TATA Motors).

Right now I won't be able to write everything in detail but I can write some points below which I may expand in future as and when I have time. The points below are not related to any specific profession, region or language, they only apply to India and of course Indians.

Modern Mentality of Production and Consumption

Today we see our self as a consumer we consume air, water, food, milk, we no more treat them with respect, we see them as a product, water is a product we drink it, is available from a number of sources, available from market at different price tags. 

Traditionally Indians have always respected anything and everything that helped them, that existed for a positive cause and was not directly responsible to fulfill there necessity or desire, which included plants, animals, nature, surrounding. Today most modern Indians think differently like others, now they too are facing the problem of pollution, family problems, health problems, food adulteration, changing environment etc.

We have always knew and believed that everything in this universe(ब्रह्म) is interconnected, nothing is useless or without a cause but now we are believing and doing the same things (that we were traditionally supposed to do) but without that feeling with a different angle.  For example, fasting was very common and traditionally an integral part of our culture, now its followed as a prescribed method to regulate health, detoxify body, get rid of stomach problems etc. etc. 

In India everything is easy to implement and change, things that look impossible can be easily possible, if they are viewed and projected in right perspective, this has recently been proved by success of Shri Anna Hazare's peaceful movement, which was based on honesty, selfless service, patriotism and other ingredients of Indian Culture.

hope to continue ..... updating this post ...

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