Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan- Terrorist Attack on Democracy

When the hope that democracy will return to Pakistan seemed to turn to a reality. It is really very sad that a person who was truly a democratic has been assassinated. Benazir Bhutto has been prime minister of Pakistan twice. India being a neighbouring country of Pakistan will definitely face some direct or indirect consequence of a troubled neighbour Pakistan.

This wasn’t the first attack on Benazir Bhutto since she returned to Pakistan in October 2007. The day she returned to Pakistan her convoy was attacked by suicide bombers which she narrowly escaped. That attack had killed around 140 people who were cheering her. 

Today she was shot on throat and chest and later the bomb exploded. Everybody was aware that she was under militants attack but still her life wasn’t properly secured.

Now, Pakistan is in Trauma and law and order situation has become critical, mobile phones have been jammed through out the country. Streets are on fire.

This is a great set back to democracy and healthy life of the country. Hope that everything returns to normal soon.

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