Indian Government Survives Vote of Confidence

Indian Government headed by Sh. Manmohan Singh survived the Vote of confidence in Indian Parliament, after a sequence of political drama and discussions for over a week now. The Government has cleared this with majority. This has cleared the way for Indo US Civil Nuclear deal, which is crucial for the future of India and Indian Economy, but some politicians were creating hurdle as they found this as an issue which can help them in fulfilling there political aspirations.

Votes were casted in two ways, depending on choice of the MPs :

1. Electronic Voting Machine(EVM) and

2. Paper slip ballots.

The results of EVM were declared soon after they were casted but counting of votes on paper slip took another 42 minutes. Here are the details:

Two MPs abstained from EVM voting and a total of 10 MPs were absent. The votes in favor of Government include votes of 7 MPs from BJP and 2 MPs of TDP.

Today Indian Parliament saw bundles of hard cash openly floated in the Parliament with allegation of horse trading on the Government. This was an unfortunate incident for Indian Parliament and Indian Democracy, this incidence will effect the faith of Indian citizens in law and order.

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