General Elections 2009

India is now set for 15th Lok Sabha as dates for General Election 2009 are declared by Election Commission. Election is a single tool which is available to India Citizen to participate in decision making for this vast democracy. Our politicians and political parties too have got ready for the final assault. Most of our leaders look more like a dealer than a leader. The lead there own purpose, which is to reach parliament first and then try there best to control rich resources of the country.

Everybody knew that elections were due in 2009 and we have been watching political drama for a couple of months now. Now, with this declaration we can see boom in country's under the carpet economy. Parties have already started discussions and debates (both internal to capture more seats and externally for electorates).

Getting a mandate and forming a party isn't a symbol of winning hearts of people, there love for country, its An Award for winning the game of meanness and treachery. How can anyone of them who have never been a good human being in there life can now do good for the country or its citizens.

Everyone should hear to his heart and vote for the one who is at least a human. Common people should not get divided under any political lines. Citizens are like customers and these politicians and parties must guarantee 100% satisfaction or at least some type of warranty. Are Indian Politicians ready for the deal???

For more information on General Elections 2009 please visit this wiki link on General Elections.


  1. There will be lots of excitement around the elections next month. Here is one way to track all the news and happenings. See

  2. Well, we seem to be heading towards an uncontrolled political frenzy combined with lots of hullabaloo that General Elections generate in India.
    Yes, political drama has begun and the battle for 543 seats is slowly heating up –the latest in the news is Manmohan Singh and L K Advani slandering on each other’s political accomplishments.
    Recent histrionics by Varun Gandhi too have added to political drama. I just happened to scan through the latest buzz on the election scenario on . Let’s vote for the people who deserve to be our leaders and send those to exile who shower empty promises.


Please provide your views, it will greatly help each one of us to make things better in future???

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