What India Needs Right Now?

I have been watching India and thinking about it but for last few months I am unable to think any more, may be I've turned negative or have loosed my optimism to some extent.

Actually it is not so, I'm still positive but there are a number of shameless things that have recently taken place (or were *accidently covered by media). Though things like these may have happened in past (to some extent) but flashing such things in day light is really sad, although we all know such things do exist but covering them is a large manner makes them acceptable for everyone, which is wrong.

I'm not saying anything to anyone as I can't blame anyone because we too are responsible to some extent and therefore share that responsibility our-self.

Anyway I've enjoyed this video and hope you will too. Here is the link for this Youtube video. Hum Ko Maan Ki Shakti Dena.

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