Receding Water Table & Droughts Vs Floods

Receding Water Table & Droughts Vs Floods

On one hand water table is receding everywhere, summers are getting hotter and hotter and on another a few months later we have over flowing water, floods in and around the same places.

What is this? Who's responsible?

Should we follow the imported narrative & mindset and start blaming #global_warming #climate_change for this mess.

पर उपदेश कुशल बहुतेरे 

प्रकृति, पर्यावरण को किसी भी प्रकार से दोष देना क्या भारतीय संस्कृति रही है?

हमारे पूर्वजों ने सदा ही आत्मचिंतन को वरीयता दी है, सदा ही इसमें अपनी भूल ढूँढने व स्वीकारने को सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता देते थे, उन कारणों को जानने के लिए एकांतवास का सहारा लेते थे जिसके लिए, सामान्य जीवनशैली का त्याग कर वनों में निवास का निर्णय एक सामाजिक रूप से स्वीकार्य परम्परा थी, जो समाधान प्राप्त होने पर्यन्त चलती थी 


Follow our traditional insight and view things from our traditional & cultural stand point and introinspect our own activities & behaviour to get more clarity.

क्या कभी अत्यधिक गर्मी, जल की कमी, सुखा की समस्या से झूझना तो कभी अतिवृष्टि, जल भराव, बाढ़ का समाधान ढूँढना हमें आपने कुकृत्यों को समझाने में असमर्थ हैं?

हमारी इन गतिविधियों से जीव-जन्तुं, जैविक जगत जिसे हम सद्भाव, शांतिपूर्ण -सहअस्तित्व से पूर्व में परिभाषित करते रहे हैं, आज कष्ट सहकर नष्ट नहीं हो रहा है। क्या हम उनके मूल अधिकारों का हनन नहीं कर रहे हैं? क्या हमारा आचरण हमारी अपनी पारंपरिक मान्यताओं के प्रतिकूल नहीं है?

Developments Disturbing Processing of Natural Water Cycle

Today nature, natural greenry, mud as well as ponds, water pools, that were common in our villages as well as suburban localities are either encroached or lost.

Our tradition and culture is based on customs which require these natural sources of bio-diversity, life.

Covering every portion of our society/building, residence, neighbourhood, roads, streets, is actually disturbing this natural processing involved to complete water cycle in which every nook or corner used to be condusive or cooperative in past. 

When we allow nature to flourish we allow bio-diversity i.e. life to exist, living beings to survive.

Contradictory trends due to human negilegence and misunderstanding nature of nature is now being 100% blamed as #ClimateCrisis without a bit of introinspection.


Our tradition & culture has always supported universal eternity, allowed bio-diversity to exists, flora and fauna to flourish, which can be noticed in our local customs and traditions too.

Unfortunately today every misery, calamity is an opportunity for short-sighted, unminding individuals and businesses, who are involved in redevelopment work as an official or contractor or middle-man.

Covering every nook-corner of our streets, roads, residence with tiles, concrete is obstructing the organic cycle of nature, which allows rain water to permeate through ground, allows microbial activities.  

I don't know whether corruption could be the right word which can be used or introduced for this blind phenomenon everywhere.

Receding Water Table & Droughts Vs Floods

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