Unable to Update Site

I have been writing this blog for last 4 years now but for last few months I'm not able to find enough time to update this blog.

There is so much to say about a number of things that are happening in India, so much news is there which also concern welfare of its citizens as well as its internal and external policies.

There is no denying of the fact that India is developing and living standard of its citizens is also rising but there are also some doubts about the way this development is taking place. Yesterday, we were not able to feed a part of its population, other part was malnutrition-ed now more people are fed, problem of nutrition is also solved to some extent but now India is also facing another problems, the health problems that didn't existed here in such large scale.

We shouldn't have abandoned a part of our traditional lifestyle, our tradition of early waking, our tradition of eating and sleeping. Now, India faces health problems, problems related to mental health, over weight, anxiety, heart problems and the cases referred today also have children.

These are few words that came to my mind right now about India and there are many sleeping issues and views that are also looking for ways to get out of my mind, which I hope to post at a time when I find time.

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