Prime Minister of India

Who Should be the Prime Minister of India?

There are so many aspirants who wish to be The Indian Prime Minister, some of them (or none of them) are actually deserving candidates for such a humble post.
Most of the politicians think that after being a member of a political party for years & learning some political tricks they have a right to that seat.

Today we can ask any politician and most of them have 'to be Prime Minister of India' on their wish list. There is nothing bad in that, but is it good for the Nation, having esoteric tradition and culture.
Can we afford to hand over this Prime Minister seat to anyone who succeeds in his marketing gimmick. Is this post for a true man or true machine?

At present we have aspirants who are:
  1. Those who are only politicians, they have have nothing to do with this country or its future, they are good in managing their political activities. They know various propaganda theories to attract voters and how to convert them later. They think that to be the Prime Minister of India is a matter of pure luck, which is lucrative seat and one can fulfill all his aspirations and dreams in his term as a prime minister.

  2. Some other aspirants think that because they are old and have been in politics, they know how to handle this post. They have seen all the political drama of the past and can handle the political drama of the future. There political age is there only qualification. They don't have a clear policy and they don't think that it is necessary to reveal the same now.

  3. Few politicians who are also trying to project themselves as qualified and potential candidate to be Indian Prime Minister depend on either majority or minority electorate support. They appeal to a class of voters who belong to a particular community/class/region. They have their own views on who should be the Indian Prime Minster, they don't think he/she has to be worthy for this post. They think if he belong to their party and belongs to their group, then he/she is the right candidate for the post.

  4. It is really shameful to know that some of our prime ministerial aspirants are not even a good human being. They don't know how to behave with others. They don't think that their criminal/unclean/corrupt background can be a reason for disqualification to this post.
Each voter must understand that politics and politicians are here to serve the country and not to serve themselves or their political party or sponsors . Anyone who is worthy of this post can be the prime minister of India, even if he/she has no political background but is a far-sighted insightful, simple sadhak with deep understanding of Indian value based society, our priorities & difficulties.

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